Emerging Poet from Mermaid Releases Zine: Imagerium

Above: Poet Jonathan Williams, author of Imagerium--a newly released zine. Photo submitted by Jon Williams 2017.
Story by Tanya Nicolle MacCallum.
Jonathan Williams of Mermaid, an emerging poet, is releasing his first series of poems to the public via zine—a homemade magazine, or self-published material with specific topics as the focus. In this case, poetry.
Williams, a second-year music student at UPEI, and dinner theatre actor, has dabbled in various areas of art; but, he says he’s been writing songs for years, and now prose composition is one of his highest passions. "I started writing seriously in about grade 12. I think it all began with a poetry book I wrote detailing each chapter of George Orwell's 1984. It was one of my favourite projects, but now I'm going into my second year of university at UPEI—where I've improved so much.”
Williams’ zine, Imagerium, showcases eleven poems, including a series of seven pieces, or seven “devices,” by the same name. Williams says he has modeled the title from the word 'imagery' and the Latin suffix for 'room'.
When we asked Williams if he had any specific inspirations to create the zine, he told us, “A year ago, my good pal Gillian Oakley began the Island Fiend : a zine series, featuring the art of island talent. Inside the zine are interviews with local musicians, poetry and even pages to colour in your own punky Anne of Green Gables. I asked Gillian so many questions about how to make this happen.”

Above: a shot from pages 9-10 of Jonathan Williams’ zine, Imagerium. Williams has hand-crafted the contemporary issue out of clippings from magazines & construction paper, encapsulating his poems in the images. Photography for zine completed by Hannah-Jane Jay, Kari Kruse, Emery Sanderson, and Jonathan Williams. Photo above submitted by Jonathan Williams.
After reading Imagerium, you will agree the title “Tactile”—the name of the first poem in the series, is more than deserving. Williams’ song writing experience, coupled with words that emphasise the human senses, strips you bare, and leaves you feeling nostalgic. His raw poetic language paints walls around you, and leaves you standing on hardwood floors, pondering whether to dance, or sit and stay in awe.
Williams says he’s planning on releasing another zine, one which will include short stories and photography. No date has been set, but he plans to complete the project in the near future.
Here we give you a sample of Williams’ beautiful poetry, Tactile.

What art is this article about? A zine
Name: Imagerium

By whom: Jonathan Williams
Where to get your hands on a copy:
Back Alley Music, 169 Great George St
Cost: $7.00