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Island Photographer and her Dogs Make Islanders Smile

If you're on Facebook, and haven't checked out the We Love Prince Edward Island Facebook group, you're missing out. For those who are a part of the group, you know what I'm talking about.

We Love Prince Edward Island is a public page, where many Islanders come to share photos of the Island's landscape, nature, and local places we all love. It's also an online venue to share stories and brighten one another's day. Over 18,000 people are now a part of the group, and the number of members continues to grow.

Islander, Jacquelyn Harlow started the group three years, ago. "I love that the group has grown, but it does provide some challenges. I started the group on a whim; I did not realize it would come with responsibilities," says Harlow. "I was not expecting 18,000 members," she laughs.


There is one regular poster in particular, who has managed to capture the hearts of all members of the group. April Dawn Adams, a very talented, local photographer, is known for posting a slew of breath-taking photos of our favourite Island locations. She has a way of capturing the Island that is both genuine, and memorable.

Above: The late Sammy, an Eski-poo mix, poses for a shot at Point Prim lighthouse, displaying the classic Sammy head-tilt. (Photo submitted by April Dawn Adams).

What sets Adams' photos apart, is her furry friends who are often featured in most shots. Sammy, an Eski-poo, became the furry star of the Facebook group this past summer. Beautiful shots of local areas, coupled with the cute pooch - who had a classic head-tilt - inspired many smiles, and thousands of comments from Sammy Fans. Adams got Sammy in 2008, and the two traveled the Island on many occasions, stopping to take pictures along the way.

Sadly, Sammy recently passed away due to a battle with cancer. But, when Adams was ready, she befriended a new furry pal, a Border Collie, Saint Bernard mix, who she named Sully. Sully has become such a hit on social media, he now has his own, brand new Facebook page, Sully's Adventures.

The most interesting thing about Sully, he's inherited Sammy's famous trademark head-tilt. Ask anyone in the We Love Prince Edward Island Group - the similarity is astonishing - it's as if Sammy's spirit has reincarnated in Sully. Sure, lots of dogs tilt their heads in response to a high pitch noise, or at peaks of curiosity; but, both the late Sammy and Sully dawn the tilt as their trademark pose.

Above: Adams' new partner in crime, Sully. Notice the head-tilt pose, comparable to the late Sammy. (Photo submitted by April Dawn Adams).

"Sammy would always tilt his head when you talked to him. Sully does it too! Sammy would also always sleep on my pillow, above my head at night; and Sully does that too. They both love car rides, and beach walks. They are both very photogenic; and, both are Momma's boys," says Adams.

Despite the thousands of people who enjoy looking at Adams' photography on the Facebook page, she remains humble about her work. "I've always liked taking pictures, but really only got into it, in the last couple years. It's just a hobby, but I did have some people interested in my pictures and sold a few on canvas," says Adams.

Adams doesn't just utilize the Facebook group to showcase her work, as she sees it as more of a platform to share and exchange stories. "I love the We Love Prince Edward Island group. I love seeing everyone's pictures of our beautiful Island, and it gives me the opportunity to share my pictures and stories as well."

If you're a lover of the Island, and enjoy sharing stories and photos, please visit the We Love Prince Edward Island page on Facebook. And while your at it, why not check out Sully's and Adams' adventures on Sully's Facebook page, Sully's Adventures.

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